Lauren Boebert's District - The proposed 2nd Congressional District, which would include all or parts of liberal-leaning Boulder, Broomfield, and Larimer counties, including the cities of Boulder and Loveland, and Rio Blanco, Moffett, and Garfield counties to encompass continental northwest Colorado , get to the division . along the Utah border. (manual)

Colorado constituents went to public hearings this week to voice their concerns about the state's latest redistricting map. The proposed plan, presented on September 3, elicited very mixed reactions.

Lauren Boebert's District

Lauren Boebert's District

The tentative map divides the Western Slope District of Colorado in half and divides urban areas such as Boulder County, Fort Collins and Douglas County into districts with rural counties. The state also gained an additional seat, bringing Colorado's districts to eight instead of seven.

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The new plan, which was drafted by nonpartisan officials and does not consider incumbents or elections, places Representative Lauren Bobert of Garfield County in Colorado's 2nd Congressional District. That means Bobert will technically live in Democratic Representative Joe Negus's district — but US House members don't have to live in the districts they administer.

"I am very proud to represent the 3rd District of CO," he wrote. "Without redistricting I will run and win again in the 3rd because rural Colorado wants and needs a strong conservative fighter."

Based on election trends between 2016 and 2020, three districts would be Democratic, two would be Republican and three districts would be competitive, according to the nonpartisan commission report. But Ted Trump, a Democratic political consultant in Colorado, says the district will likely split into four Democratic and four Republican districts based on the latest turnout numbers.

In a public forum on Thursday, Commissioner Martha Coleman of the Redistricting Committee of the Independent Congress of Colorado acknowledged the drastic changes to the current map from the preliminary map released in June based on 2019 estimates.

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"You may notice that this map looks different from the preliminary map created by the team earlier this summer," Coleman told virtual forum attendees. “The current first staffing plan map was created with final data from the 2020 Census and took into account public feedback and preliminary Commission discussions and recommendations.”

Many factors are considered when creating maps, said Ryan Winger of public opinion research firm Magellan Strategy. Competition, constant population size, reducing gerrymandering, and ensuring that people of color votes are not diluted are all taken into account. But in the end not everything will be perfect, he said.

"There's a lot you can do in terms of designing these districts," Winger said in an interview.

Lauren Boebert's District

"If you ... figure out how to make it completely egalitarian, you're going to have a lot of people who are going to be completely angry because it divides communities, or counties, or watersheds, or similar parts of the state," Stratton said.

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Marco Dorado, Colorado state director for All on the Line, an affiliate of the National Committee on Democratic Redistricting, said a major challenge in making the maps was the process of taking into account thousands of comments and hours of public testimony.

U.S. Representative Lauren Bobert, R-Rifle, takes the stage at the Western Conservative Summit at the Hyatt Regency on June 19 in Denver. (Olivia Sun/Colorado Sun)

Before Bobert announced his plans to run for the 3rd district, Representative Niggs sent a campaign email on Wednesday aiming to raise $10,000 in grassroots donations because "Joe could run against Lauren Bobert in the next election."

"Make no mistake, such a campaign would be very expensive," he wrote. "Rap music." Bobert has a large right-wing presence and already has over a million dollars in his campaign account.

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"Despite what the law says, if you're going to represent the district, you have to live in it," Trumpa said in an interview. "It's kind of counterintuitive."

US Rep. Joe Nages, D-Boulder, speaks during the one-year anniversary of the CORE Act at the Hyatt Regency in Denver, Jan. 30, 2020. (Andy Colville/Colorado Sun Special)

Greg Brophy, a Republican consultant and former state representative for the House and Senate in Colorado, said Bobert "will likely win" if he runs in the proposed Third Congressional District.

Lauren Boebert's District

Colorado's 3rd Congressional District has "leaned Republican" over the past 30 years, said Dick Waddams, a Republican political consultant and former state president.

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Some notable Democratic exceptions, such as John Salazar and Ben Knighthorse Campbell, represented the district before he changed party affiliations as a US senator, Wadhams said.

. But redistricting as it stands will not change the political makeup of the district, he said.

"It's not like the first district that hasn't elected a Republican congressman in 60 years, or the fifth congressional district that has never elected a Democrat," Wadhams said.

Some constituents said splitting western Colorado is a positive move, while others, like Brophy, called the proposed map a "disgrace" for rural Colorado.

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The Western Slope countryside is united by needs and interests in natural resources, forestry and mining, Brophy said. By adding more urban and suburban counties, such as Boulder and Larimer counties, constituents would not have as much say, he said.

"Your member of Congress is not going to be interested only or primarily in natural resource issues," Brophy said. "It will hurt the interests of the West Coast countries. That's why Western countries want their own members of Congress.

"That assumes that someone else in the district, like Joe Negus, isn't listening to those people in the Western Slope." It's his job to do that," Trumpa said in an interview.

Lauren Boebert's District

Some constituents, like Oregon's Roseanne Evans, told Thursday's hearing that carving up the Western Slope means more representation for rural communities at the federal level, not less. It also favors rural and urban counties that live in the same congressional district.

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Many who were in favor of a southern Colorado district also argued that redistricting would highlight votes for the region's Hispanic and Native American communities, including Kerry Wilson of Ouray County.

“Identity politics is where we are right now. I think when you vote as a block, you have more power," Wilson said at a public hearing on Thursday.

Mark Gaber, director of redistricting for the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center, said in an interview that the Latino vote is still "broken" among Colorado's Republican districts when looking at the current map. This map is an improvement over the previous proposal, but the Latino vote is still split, Gaber said.

Gaber has submitted a map proposal to the Colorado-affiliated League of Latin American Citizens United that he believes would better highlight the Latino vote.

Published 2020: Lauren Boebert Wins In Colorado's 3rd Congressional District

Under the latest proposal, the third district would be 26% Hispanic. On the original map, the Third District was only 15% Hispanic.

Despite the improvements, Gaber worries that Latino voters will still be "overrun" by white voters. In particular, the proposed 3rd Congressional District leaves out key counties like Lake and El Paso, he said.

"So, as a result, the electoral data shows that District 3 is not really going to commit many Latino voters to elect the candidate of their choice," Gaber said.

Lauren Boebert's District

If eight of the 12 commissioners, including two independents, do not vote to approve the latest map, another team plan will be released on Wednesday. Testimonials and public comments will be considered in reviewing the plan.

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If a majority isn't reached for the second draft, a third map will be released on September 23rd. The deadline for approving the plan is September 28, which will be submitted to the Colorado Supreme Court by October 1. The Supreme Court will have to approve it. Congressional redistricting map as of Dec. 15 Updated at 11:04 am Jun 29, 2022: The Associated Press has called the Democratic primary for Adam Frisch at 10:30 am Wednesday.

As she took the stage to accept her victory, Boibert was introduced as "mother of four, restaurant owner and professional rhino hunter" to rapturous applause from the crowd.

"And I hope it's a big, big message to any RINO who tries to do that in the future." You can try to influence the Democrats in our elections. It won't work," he told the crowd. RINO stands for Republican in name only.

A grassroots effort sought to get Democrats to turn unaffiliated primary voters, which some believed was their best chance of ousting right-wing Republicans.

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The first-time congresswoman has drawn the spotlight of controversy, but her bombastic, uncompromising conservative style has strong support among the Republican base in the Western Slope. In his acceptance speech, he spoke about Supreme Court victories, Second Amendment rights, abortion, and prayers in schools.

Republican Miles Scheer of Montrose said keeping Bobert in office was important to him. "I think she's a strong voice for the freedom this country is trying to destroy, so I'm with her." She has a loud voice, but you know, I'm fine with that.

At his Grand Junction victory party, he also received a promotion from the former President. Donald Trump called the party and was put on speakerphone

Lauren Boebert's District

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